It is good to have internet
ready for students to acquire the knowledge that was very far a couple of years
A search and subsequent
collection of documents related to the assignment can be put together with added
notes to support. Hence preparing an assignment that will be better than the
existing material available will enhance the contents on the subject and placing
new contents will make more versatile contents available again for other
Getting something from and
leaving more on to the world wide web will enhance the quality of the material
available on the subject.
Result: Contents on a particular topic will mature to a
perfection level.
Projects presented using
NotJustBrowsing can easily be viewed in detail. Inherent in the design of
NotJustBrowsing, is the facility to move around within a collection
of documents easily.
A project can also be presented as
a draft document for comments from the tutor/teacher.
Contents available to be
viewed using NotJustBrowsing can be browsed easily to go through course
work in less time, utilizing multiple browsing.
It will be helpful to collect all the background material on the subject of
dissertation/thesis in one place at the beginning.
Layout of the dissertation/thesis can be prepared in advance, starting from
title page to the references and apendices including planned chapters. Contents
can be drawn into the scheme as and when they are available.
Always keep
notes on the contents that you may keep for later reference.