2. Include Other Domains
- By selecting this option all referred document locations outside
current domain will be considered. For example, if current document is
http://www.notjustbrowsing.com/see_through.htm then all documents not within
current domain (www.notjustbrowsing.com) will be considered.
This option is very useful if a user does not wish to look into documents
located within current document domain but only interested in those documents
located outside of current document domain. For xexample, a typical search
engine web site produces search result pages with a lot of references within its
own domain that a user may not wish to "See Through".
1. Include Current Domain
- By selecting this option all referred document locations within
current domain will be considered. For example, if current document is
http://www.notjustbrowsing.com/see_through.htm then all referred documents
within current domain (www.notjustbrowsing.com) will be considered.
This option is very useful if a user does not wish to go out of current
document domain by accidently clicking on to a link that is not referring to a
document within current domain.
Maximum Locations -
This option will allow a user to assign maximum number of documents per "See
Through" request. This option will be applied after all other options have
been applied. This option ranges from 10 to 50 documents.
Note: A configurable maximum number is associated with
Linear Browsers in version 1.0.6. The See Through functionality will not cross
this limit.